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Vishnu Anantashayana

Vishnu Anantashayana

Product Code 14788

  • Product Size: Inch L X Inch W X 36 Inch H
  • Material: Wood
  • Description: Anantashayana Vishnu or Sheshasayi is the supreme lord in his meditative slumber. The central, and largest, figure Vishnu is reclining on the five-hooded giant serpent Ananta with Sridevi and Bhudevi attending to him. They are framed within an elborately decorated mandapam in the bottom part of which are smaller compositions of Vishnu with Sreedevi and Vishnu with Bhudevi depicted seperately on either side of a standing and front-facing Vishnu who is framed by a prabhavali. The artist has created this composition in a three-dimensional style where the architectural elements of the mandapam stand out in relief from the canvas.
  • Design your Tanjore Painting
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