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Satyanarayana Annavaram

Satyanarayana Annavaram

Product Code 14804

  • Material: Wood
  • Description: Satyanarayana, a celebrated manifestation of Vishnu, resides in his principal temple in Annavaram, Andhra Pradesh. The sanctum here has Satyanarayana with his consort Ananta Lakshmi on his left and Shiva on his right, and is an important pilgrimage spot for both Vaishnavites and Shaivites. This painting, displays the idols framed within a beautiful tricusped prabhavali that is under an ornate mandapam. This composition is rarely seen in Tanjore style paintings and the style of painting, especially the figures and their faces, deviates from the traditional style. The overall appearance though unmistakeably has the Tanjore hallmark.
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