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Vishnu Anantashayana

Vishnu Anantashayana

Product Code 14788

  • Product Size: Inch L X Inch W X 48 Inch H
  • Material: Wood
  • Description: This stunning composition depicting Vishnu and his ten avatars is a Tanjore magnum opus that showcases the dexterity and skill of the artist. Vishnu in yogashayana is in the centre, reclining on the five-hooded serpent Ananta. At Vishnu's feet are Sridevi and Bhudevi, attending to him, and Brahma is seated on a lotus that rises out of Vishnu's navel. Garuda and, unusually, Hanuman are shown praying to this heavenly tableau that is framed within a beautifully decorated mandapam. The skilfully arrayed grid of figures on either side of the main composition and above it contain meticulously executed images of the ten avatars of Vishnu and the prominently displayed shanku, chakram and Vaishnavite namam. The artist has created this composition in a three-dimensional style where the architectural elements of the mandapam, the serpent , and the shanku and chakram stand out in relief from the canvas.
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